Mount and blade warband free prisoners fight me
Mount and blade warband free prisoners fight me

mount and blade warband free prisoners fight me mount and blade warband free prisoners fight me

Shield and One-Hander is pretty much the best weapon combination. How much attention do I need to pay to the constant updates that Count So-and-So sacked the village of Arsescratch, and that the Duke of Whomever escaped captivity? Is any of that relevant to me as I desperately try to avoid those frightfully well-armed and armored Deserters?Ĭlick to expand.I hear you with the combat. I have a handful of soldiers under my banner- what the hell should I be doing with them? How do I keep them happy, other than providing a varied diet? How can I make big stacks of money? So many skills! Which are good? Which are essential? Which can be pawned off on NPCs? I do OK on foot, as long as I don't end up fighting multiple enemies simultaneously. but I suppose that's just a matter of practice. I have trouble controlling the direction of my swings- my FPS reflexes insist that I should be pointing the mouse right at the enemy, not moving it away from him! Blocking with the shield is easy with a 2-handed weapon, it's much harder. With the other weapons I'm lucky to get 3 opponents down, and often I get taken out without any KOs to my name. usually take out 2-5 opponents before going down, personal record thus far is 9. I've done 50 or more of the free-for-all arena melee matches, with the wooden weapons and grunting shirtless men. I blundered my way through the training and the rescue-the-merchant's-brother quest. Click to expand.OK, two broad categories:

Mount and blade warband free prisoners fight me